In Shakespeare's Hamlet, the character Polonius, to Laertes in Ophelia's presence, offers four pieces of advice:


Give every man your ear, but few your voice


Take each man's censure, but reserve your judgment


Neither a borrower nor a lender be


This above all, be true to yourself


Over a lifetime, I have heard these often quoted as scripture. True, it does not take too long to find each piece of advice quoted, more or less as Shakespeare writes here, in the Bible.

I think perhaps the most difficult is that regarding borrowing and lending. There are times when it is very necessary to do one or both. 

It reminds me of that line in a prayer I learned at school - to give and not to count the cost.

Giving, however, requires wisdom, great wisdom. So it is best to proceed with caution.

Friday 16 August 2019
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